Apples And Ginger

Gluten free,dairy free, and sugar free nourishing whole foods to heal and flourish.

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Lentil hummus


We had a great easter with family. We didn’t catch any easter egg hunts this year but we still had fun visiting friends in Oregon and family in Vancouver,WA. My son thinks that the easter bunny is a big Australian rabbit that hits people with a boomerang(from the guardian kids movie). He even told his 3 year old sister that the easter bunny was going to hit her with a boomerang! Lovely! I am posting my recipe for lentil hummus today. I ran at of garbanzo beans one time and tried lentils for my hummus. I was surprised that it actually tasted really good.

Lentil hummus

Put in blender or processor:

1 cup cooked lentils

1 1/2 tablespoons ground roasted sunflower seeds( or ground sesame seeds)

1 tablespoon plain yogurt( non dairy but has to be unsweetened)

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 large or 2 small cloves of garlic

2 tablespoons coconut milk

1 tablespoon lemon juice

sea salt to tasted

garnish with paprika

This along with other recipes can also be seen at