Apples And Ginger

Gluten free,dairy free, and sugar free nourishing whole foods to heal and flourish.


Hi I’m Tara! I’m a mom and acupuncturist from Washington state who has been has been struggling with food allergies and different diets for years. After overcoming health issues such as panic attacks, hypothyroidism, infections and heart palpitations I have tried many different diets and  supplements and have finally come to a happy medium of what to eat and feed my kids. The constant in our diet is that it is whole food plant-based, gluten free,and sugar free.  I also love raw food dishes especially in the spring and summer. I am interested in east indian and chinese medicine and like to use what I have learned when cooking for my family such as eating specific foods for your body constitution, health state and season.


4 thoughts on “About

  1. I’ve been loving your blog since I discovered it. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! If you’d like to accept please see this post.

  2. Hi Tara,
    I’m searching the internet trying to find anyone who’s had success giving up thyroid meds.
    So far, your comment from another webpage is the only glimmer of hope I’ve seen!
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism several years ago. Last year my doctor upped the dosage of Levothyroxine (I’m based in the uk) from 50mcg, to 100mcg. I don’t feel any difference.
    Even though there’s a lot of fear mongering related to this topic, and the general consensus regarding thyroid medication is that they’re for life … my intuition tells me otherwise.
    I lead a fairly holistic life, taking no other meds but these, so ideally I’d love to give ’em the boot!
    If you could help in any way, or direct me to some sources of information that helped you, I be so grateful.

    Many thanks,


    • Hi Peter, thanks for the message. Here are some the things that I feel like led me to have hypothyroid: eating wheat, vegetarian diet, air pollution, stress, and nutritional deficiencies. So after I eliminated these things and added seafood/seaweed to my diet I felt better. Most of my protein comes from seafood and a small amount of poultry. Zinc and selenium from seafood is important for thyroid function.I suggest qi gong or yoga also. Acupuncture could help balance your body out.Bladderwrack is helpful too! Good luck!

      • Hi Tara, thanks for your reply. I’ve recently started eating fish, and white meat again, after being a vegan for the last five years. Aside from my mind occasionally berating me(for failing to stick to the previous diet!), my body is now grateful, and overall I feel much better. I did try some vegan supplements, prior to my return to meat eating, but they just left me feeling nauseous … even after taking just a quarter of a tablet! 
        I’ve not heard of Bladderwrack before, so I’ll be sure to check it out.
        D’you mind telling me some more about your hypothyroid experience?
         e.g. How long were you taking your meds, and what dosage were you on when you decided to quit them? Also, how long has it been since you came off them?
        Sorry to bombard you with all these questions, it’s just that there’s so little information online about successfully stopping thyroid medication – I have to be thorough!
        Thanks again.

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