Apples And Ginger

Gluten free,dairy free, and sugar free nourishing whole foods to heal and flourish.


Smoothie Tuesday! Goji berry lime smoothie


Goji berries are an awesome superfood that are almost a complete protein source. They are high in antioxidants such as flavanoids, polyphenols, carotenoids, and  high in vitamin C, E, and A. They are great for eye health, immunity, lowering blood glucose, and lowering cholesterol.  This berry happens to be helpful for strengthening your yang energy balance in your body which means it will help keep you warm in the winter and give you an energy boost! The perfect food to add to your daily life!

Goji berry Lime smoothie:

1/4 cup soaked goji berries
large chunk pineapple
1 grapefruit peeled
1/4 medium beet
juice of 1 lime
2 stalks of celery
1/2 avocado
handful of cilantro
2″ chunk of ginger
about 3 cups filtered water

This recipe can also be found here 14/   here here  and here many other yummy recipes.

*Cheers to good health!*


Don’t eat red meat? Here’s 10 great sources for iron and blood building nutrients and a goji energy bar recipe


I have always had problems with being anemic even when I was eating red meat. I especially had to stock up on iron foods when I was pregnant with my kids.  When using non animal sources of iron you need to take in double the amount than you would with an animal source because the type of iron (non heme) does not absorb as well as heme iron. Also it helps to have a vitamin C rich food with your iron for extra absorption.This is especially important for vegetarians and pregnant women. I also put below a recipe for fruit sweetened goji energy bars with some of these iron rich foods in the ingredients.

Here are 10 great foods for building iron stores:



black beans


goji berries







Goji energy bar

1/2 cup ground sunflower seeds

2 tablespoons juicer beet pulp(or shredded beets)

2 tablespoons pistachio /3 seed butter(recipe below)

3 tablespoons dried goji berries

4 soaked and processed figs

1 tablespoon flaxseeds partially ground

1 tablespoon black sesame seeds partially ground

1 tablespoon pumkin seeds partially ground

1/2 teaspoon spirulina powder

1/2 teaspoon molasses

1 teaspoon orange zest

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla

pinch of sea salt

Mix ingredients together and shape into bars., You can sprinkle some ground sunflower seeds on the outside if they are too sticky. Makes about 4-5 bars.

Pistachio/3 seed butter

3 1/2 tablespoons fresh orange juice

1/4 cup unsalted pistachios

3 tablespoons sunflower seeds

2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds

1 tablespoon black sesame seeds

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

pinch of sea salt

Makes about 4 servings worth.