Apples And Ginger

Gluten free,dairy free, and sugar free nourishing whole foods to heal and flourish.


Shiitake garden burger with orange honey ginger sauce

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This is my latest garden burger creation. I really like the meaty taste and texture that mushrooms give to garden burgers. Shiitake mushrooms have a long history of being a medicinal food and their many health benefits include: immunity, cardiovascular, and anti-cancer support. These are grain free as well and can be made raw by dehydrating them instead of roasting them. (You would also need to marinate the mushrooms instead of cooking them.)

Shiitake garden burger

1/2 cup chopped shiitake mushrooms

3 tablespoons chopped green onions

3 tablespoons of chopped yellow onions

2 garlic cloves chopped

4 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

2 tablespoons sunflower seed butter

3 tablespoons finely shredded carrots

1 teaspoon grated orange peel

1/2 teaspoon toasted sesame oil

1/2 teaspoon soy sauce ( I use wheat free tamari)

Orange honey ginger sauce

Blend or process:

3 tablespoons vegan mayonnaise

1 tablespoon avocado

1 carrot

2 teaspoons grated orange peel

2 teaspoons grated ginger

1 teaspoon orange juice

1 tablespoon honey

Pinch of sea salt optional

*Roast the mushrooms and onions in a little olive oil on medium  for about 5-10 minutes while stirring. 

* Mix together all ingredients in a bowl.

* Make a burger patty and cook on medium in a greased pan for about 5 minutes on each side.

*Makes 2-3 burgers


This recipe is also seen here  with many other gluten free recipes.

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Roasted plantain and black bean wrap


Plantains are my new favorite food! I love their flavor, texture, and their abundance of potassium. They make a great alternative to root veggies and squash. I had something similar to this years back at an authentic mexican restaurant in Seattle and have tried to make my own a few times. The original of course had ton of cheese and sour cream on it.

Roasted plantain and black bean wrap

1 cup cooked black beans

1 cup cooked black rice

2 cloves garlic

1/2 onion chopped

1 avocado

2 tablespoons salsa

2 tablespoon lemon juice

1 teaspoon vinegar

1 teaspoon honey

1/2 red bell pepper chopped

2 plantains peeled and sliced

smart balance or ghee for cooking the plantains

 4 gluten free wraps ( I used small corn tortillas) 

sea salt 

*Cook the rice and beans separately and as directed on package, then combine in an pan on low-medium heat.

* Add to the rice and beans the chopped garlic,salsa, sea salt to taste, and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and simmer for about 30 minutes.(you may need to add a little water if it is dry).

*Roast the sliced plantains, chopped onions, red peppers, and honey in smart balance(or ghee) until plantains are slightly crispy on the outside and cooked all the way through and moist on the inside.

* Mash together the avocado with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, vinegar and salt to make an avocado sour cream.

* Place all ingredients inside a warmed up wrap/tortilla and you can add some cilantro or salsa and eat up!

* Makes 4 wraps

This recipe is also seen here many other gluten free .

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Smoothie Tuesday! Lemon mango smoothie

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Well my week fasting was a bust! I had a last minute road trip across a few states over to southern Idaho for a funeral. There was no way I was going to be able to do a fast in a car for 12 hours a day in a car with several other people. I was glad I was able to make my grandfather in law’s funeral because it was truly inspiring to hear about such a loved and positive man and learn about his life story. He was one of the few small farmers that actually made a good living out of only farming. It is amazing to see the effect one person can have on so many people.

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Driving through Montana and Idaho was gorgeous and always makes my husband and I consider moving to a smaller mountain town. I think as of now we are thinking Bend Oregon might be the place to raise our family. But we also haven’t really been there (I have only driven through it) so we will scope it out in a few weeks when we are down in Oregon visiting my sister in law. It seems like the perfect compromise- more sunshine for me and more snow for my husband:)

I have decided to discontinue my “Vegan Mondays Round Up” because I think it doesn’t really work on smaller blogs like mine. I Just don’t have enough bloggers posting their links. I will continue with it in the future if my page picks up with a larger audience. Thanks to Gluten Free Cat , Bite Sized Thoughts, and Sift ,Stir and Savour for supporting the round up!

Lemon mango smoothie:

1/2 lemon with peel
2 ” ginger
1 cup mango (frozen or fresh)
1/2 avocado
3 stalks celery
1/2 cucumber
1 cup coconut milk
2 cups water
10 drops vanilla stevia
large chunk pineapple
2 tablespoons spirulina powder

* To make the layers just leave out the spirulina powder (or something green and leafy) and save half of the yellow smoothie before you add the green to the other half. Then gently layer using a spoon.

This recipe is also seen here  and here many other yummy recipes.

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Smoothie Tuesday! Pineapple goji sunrise


This smoothie made my belly so happy today! I loved this flavor combination! I think I am going to be doing a raw fast for a week or so and start my spring with a detox. I am missing sun here in the gloomy northwest and it starts wearing on me towards the 5th or 6th month of greyness and drizzle. Some how I plan to live in Hawaii for half of the year( or at least 4 months)  after I get out of  acupuncture school. I have no idea how it will work but I will find a way. But for now I can drink tropical smoothies and sit in front of my full spectrum light and dream of tropical beaches and the warm ocean breeze.


Pineapple goji sunrise:

1 whole tangerine with skin
1/4 pineapple
1/2 cup soaked goji berries
2 stalks celery
1″ chunk ginger
1/2 cucumber
1/2 cup strawberries (or about 8-10 strawberries)
handful of kale
1/2 cup coconut milk
2 cups water
10 drops of vanilla stevia